Hello Guys,
Hope all are Doing well...
Many Days are we are not giving you pc and mobile trick.. So today i Will give you PC free Gprs trick.
This time this trick in not airtel it is in idea.
Now you can unlimated 2g/3g Free in your pc as well as Mobile also. The main benifits of this plan is that
it is unlimated download and dtreaming support.
SO how can you do it.. lets's start..
1- you have a 3G sim card if not then activate in your 2g sim.
2- Rechage any small data pack of 3g for first confirm this.
3- After activation plan then connect your modem or pc via
4-Now download pd-proxy from here
And after open it go to advance seeting and go to port section
and put port 9901 and in blind port put 53.
Now save this. And enter user name and password in USER NAME AND paa field.
(for user name and pass you can register of above pdproxy site)
5-now done,Just click on connect button and wait for suceesfully conected msg.
your net is free and unlimated Guys.
For Mobile You can download Droid vpn
and use any UDP based Config and put the above setting. and use free in mobile also